One91 Pathways
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One91 Pathways creates a sense of wonder, interest and discovery in each and every student so they are prepared to blaze their own path.
We fan the flame in each student — from spark to blaze
We believe our extraordinary learners can live their lives at the intersection of passion and purpose — and through One91 Pathways, students discover more about what they love earlier in life.
At every stage, we are creating learning opportunities that create a sense of wonder, interest and discovery in each and every student. Learn more about our nationally recognized Pathways program and how our students use these amazing experiences every day.
We are a district of trailblazers.
The Trailblazer is the first to break ground on their quest for discovery. Innovative and driven, the Trailblazer blazes new pathways to explore and learns from the world around them.
One91 Pathways
Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District 191 is a future-forward school district creating barrier-free pathways for learning for everyone in our community. We believe learning is a lifelong pursuit, and create programs, services and opportunities that inspire this belief.
Find your passion and blaze your path!